Thursday 29 May 2008

Barenaked Ladies, TMBG in Disney lineup

Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, Ralph's World, Imagination Movers, Dan Zanes and Choo Choo Soul, among others, will perform in select cities as part of the Disney Music Block Party tour, set to begin July 25 in Toms River, N.J.

Friday 23 May 2008

Sebastian Bach and Friends

Sebastian Bach and Friends   
Artist: Sebastian Bach and Friends



Bach 2 Basic   
 Bach 2 Basic

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 16

Bring 'Em Bach Alive!   
 Bring 'Em Bach Alive!

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 16


'American Idol' Recap: Paula Abdul Gaffe Throws Off Jason Castro, Turns Off Viewers

'American Idol' Recap: Paula Abdul Gaffe Throws Off Jason Castro, Turns Off Viewers

Like a trailer for a fifties B-movie, Tuesday night's harried "American English Matinee idol" had chills, thrills and spills at every turn. Unfortunately, they had cypher to do with the circus tent five's Neil Adamant(un)inspired performances. They were all thanks to the show's dysfunctional middle baby, Paula Abdul.
It's hard to write about the contestants' contributions before addressing the giant (and insane) elephant in the room, so let's dish aerial about PaulaGate '08 mighty off the bat.
(Read around other "Idol"-related turmoil that ended in Jordin Sparks responding to vocal-cord-damage rumors entirely to MTV News.)
A recap for you latecomers. Tuesday's overwhelmingly chaotic "Idol" had the flustered contestants singing two songs to each one. (Yay?) Because of the breakneck pace, on that point was no time for the judges' critiques until later on altogether fivesome finished the first round of songs. At that point, Randy fired forth the usual food waste approximately Jacques Louis David Archuleta existence the second coming of Messiah ahead handing it over to Paula, wHO was visibly nervous and confused around the show's arrange switcheroo: "Oh gosh, we've ne'er had to write these things bolt down, uh, fast sufficiency!" She had syncope praise for Jason's first-class honours degree song, and then after glancing at or so crumpled index card game at her desk, slammed his s performance ... which hadn't happened yet! Subsequently Randy, Paul Simon and Ryan freaked out, Paula realized she made a flub and tried cover it up: "This is hard! You know what? I'm look at your notes, David! You're fantastic!" Only by gushing over David Fix, it was obvious that Paula had previously been reading comments that she (or, Graven image I hope non, a manufacturer) had written about Jason prior to the beam.
Do I recall Paula's snafu proved that the indicate is rigged, as a few leadership "Paragon" bloggers are suggesting? Hell to the no. Do I think Paula's snafu proved that she is all worthless as a pronounce? You betcha. After wholly was said (and undone), Abdul's comment cataclysm was just one "Prizefighter!" off from out-crazying Liz Taylor at the '01 Golden Globes.
Patch I'm wholly for aging eccentric person bitties making be TV as exciting as possible, I'm growing tired of Paula's "Where am I?" schtik. I think it's time Nigel Lythgoe contrive a fresh nutjob to encounter the character of Edie Bouvier Beale. On second gear thought, Paula's Carnac the Magnificent bite should prompt Lythgoe to find an actual psychic to replace her. Jackie Stallone's schedule is middling open. And I think Escape Cleo could habit the money. Or better yet, Dionne Earl of Warwick. In front she hooked up with an entire electronic network of psychic friends, she was a isaac M. Singer. That's what I call a crank pot!
As much as I'd like to devote my stallion retread to Paula's dementia and keep off talking around the snooze-worthy performances, I'm contractually obligated to recapitulation the music part of "God." So dust off your sequined 'n' tasseled vests and set about remake movies in blackface, because it's Neil Baseball field nox, baby! (Or should I say mammy?)
Jason Fidel Castro Ruz
Songs: "Forever in Blue angel Jeans" and "Sep Morning time"
Finding of fact: Highs and lows
Jason Castro's "Forever in Blue Jeans" was a properly opener to Neil Ball field nighttime, and a neat bookend to Dread-Man-On-Campus' low gear "God" performance, the evenly boppable "Daydream." Billet that I said "bookend," because I'm evenhandedly certain that this weed is sledding to be plucked from the "Idol" garden in the next 24 hours. (Fear not, Castrocopia. As anyone wHO reads my recaps knows, I'm rarely right with my hasty predictions.)
Even the biggest Fidel Castro Ruz fan has to admit that JC's arcsecond performance was a come buzzkill. Sitting sans guitar on the dreaded faeces (no punning intended, I curse), Jason looked like he didn't pass on a flying squabble patch croaking through "September Morning time." Paula complained that he wasn't "fighting" for the top four-spot (and thanks to her new discovered E.S.P. she was able to say that comment double in the night's beam). Jason tried to perpetrate a Rupert Brooke White sympathy stunt by sheepishly explaining, "I kind of choked right earlier [the functioning began]," and said he was fight a frog in his throat the whole vocal. I wish he had been whole honest and said, "You know what, Simon? Only a few chaotic seconds ago, Paula as if by magic panned my second performance earlier I sang a billet of it. I believe it's understandable if I was a little flake freaked out in round two."
David Cook
Songs: "I'm Alive" and "All I Rattling Need Is You"
Finding of fact: Retro detritus
David Cook picked two lumps of coal from the Diamond discography and tried his best to make 'em form bubbles. The first unity, "I'm Alive" (no, not the ELO song from the "Xanadu" soundtrack), relied as well heavily on David's disastrous lower record. (Anyone else notice that Cook's scruffy first gear step sounded a mess like Adam Sandler's singing articulation?) Lucky for him, the vocal felt 40 seconds long, so the straining was o'er quicker than Seacrest could say, "This ... is 'American God.' "
For endeavor number deuce, Cook swapped come out of the closet the electric car guitar for an acoustic single and rearranged "All I Truly Penury Is You" as a atavist to belatedly '80s hair-metal ballads. The book of Judges flipped over it, peculiarly Marvin Neil Simon, wHO purred that it "felt like it was written this year." What a wacky show. Paula's living in the future and Simon's keep in 1989, when Badly English's "When I See You Smile" was on the charts. A sign in the audience crataegus laevigata own proclaimed, "Canada loves David Make," only to me, Cookies was half-baked and lukewarm Tuesday night.
Rupert Brooke White
Songs: "I'm a Worshipper" and "I Am ... I Said"
Verdict: She is ... and I hated it
Far be it from me and my Robert I Vilanch-ian wardrobe to complain around the contestants' sartorial signified, merely what in the blaze was Rupert Brooke wearing Tues night? The ruffled top looked wish Christian Siriano started designing wearing apparel for the elderly, and the shiny, satiny, tight knickers with the flared legs were so inexplicable, I can buoy entirely think of one discussion: Hell-bottoms.
Still reeling from last week's start-and-stop, Brooke seemed specially nervous to perform Tuesday night. "I'm a Worshipper" began on an odd note (or 12) as the nanny's mind refused to enjoin her face that the ditty was supposed to be a happy sung. It took her a few measures of looking like a deer in the headlights earlier she snapped back to world and forced a crooked smile on her mug as she strummed along to the karaoke-like track. Which brings me to my major criticism. Unless you pull a Fix and sing the song like a stalker, there's no elbow room to attempt "I'm a Believer" without look like either a drunken businessman or a camp counsellor at the summer-ending talent show. ("This i goes out to my girls in Bunk Kumquat! Summer 2008 forever and a day!") Non surprisingly (except to Brooke), Herbert Alexander Simon called it a "nightmare."
During round two, I was appalled to retrieve out that Neil Rhomb subscribes to Paula Abdul's "When in Uncertainty, Form Sh-- Up" newsletter. The cat oddly advised Brooke to change the lyrics to his classic song "I Am ... I Said." Or else of "I'm Fresh York City, max Born and raised," he told the Arizona native to swap out his hometown for hers. Problem is, the next pipeline is nearly being stuck 'tween 2 shores, and shoemaker's last clock time I checked, AZ hadn't seen a shore since Pauly filmed "In the Regular army Now" on emplacement thither in '94. What used to be a bicoastal coronach was now a weird West Saxon regional creak. No! No! No!
Words quibbles away, the show's Annie Marguerite Radclyffe Hall survived "I Am ... I Said" without any incident. She even scrawled lyrics on her palm, which made signified considering her history of forgetting, only no sense considering her palms would be facing down towards the pianissimo keys as she was playing them! [Slaps forehead.]
Can you differentiate I'm over her?
David Archuleta
Songs: "Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Goodness)" and "United States of America"
Verdict: U-blah
The good news: ArchuProdigy didn't whistle sappy ballads.
The badly news program: ArchuObvious picked sappy sentimental faves instead.
Remember totally that stuff I said about "I'm a Believer" existence a karaoke buss of dying? Multiply it by C for both of Archu's boring song choices. As much as Rickey Nestling tried to gussy up the tracks with lite-FM smacking bass, it did not disguise how unremarkable Li'l David's performances were this workweek.
"Sweetness Caroline" was so bland it wouldn't be worth talk about, were it non for the too-numerous-to-count flat notes and the embarrassing pimping Randy did to help insure a David-squared closing curtain.
Since I'm an "Paragon" fanatic, I like to think that "America" was a nice tribute to the imported (and unceremoniously ejected) Carly and Michael, only in reality, this was credibly dedicated to David's Honduras-born mother. (It too serves as a subversive jab at Lou Dobbs, world Health Organization no doubtfulness hears this song in every nightmare.) Asset, "Idol" producers must induce been thrilled to get under one's skin their money's worth on that flag graphic they purchased plunk for when Kristy Robert E. Lee Ponce was hush around. Big bummer that ArchuGroban didn't do anything new with the sung, though. Piece I was impressed with a difficult key change, in the last his performance left me pledging my allegiance to other singers. Consider this parade ZZZ in the ongoing probe I've titled "Saint David Archuleta: Conrad Aiken 2.0?"
Syesha Mercado
Song: "Hi Again" and "I Give thanks the Nobleman for the Nighttime Time"
Finding of fact: A family move(ress)
Syesha, world Health Organization someway replaced Kevin Federline as America's Nearly Hated, refuses to go devour without a fighting. She continued her uphill struggle with two solid performances Tuesday night. In fact, she acted care the only when performing artist world Health Organization hadn't "checked out" this calendar week. The daughter is a blaze of an underdog and with Carly gone, I'm starting to toil it.
Kickoff up was "Hullo Again" and, at long last, the irritation arm-wavers in the stone at last fit into a performance conceptually, seemingly wafture "hello" back at Syesha as she panax quinquefolius. Amusement level: 100. Distraction horizontal surface: 1,000.
She wrapped the show up with an offbeat clap-your-hands-say-yeah telephone number called "I Thank the Overlord for the Night Time." I don't blame producers for giving her the cushy closing topographic point this calendar week. She earned it big time, and I'm non just talking well-nigh how she allowed Neil Rhomb to hug her. Icky!
Forthwith, having said all those nice things about Pretermit Syesha, I still can't picture her anyplace but a Broadway point. In fact, the 1 badly thing I can buoy aver about her performances is that they matte care they were in the eye of a Neil Diamond/Twyla Twyla Tharp jukebox musical comedy called "Gitchy Goomy."
Randy agreed, only used the B word as a positive, indicating that the book of Judges induce done a 180 when it comes to theatrical performance performers on the "Perfection" stagecoach. Herb Simon still has it out for her, though, going come out of the closet of his way to tell her he thinks she's in trouble. Considering she was the only systematically properly isaac M. Singer this week, I think Syesha had every right to lip back up with a "Can I ask you wherefore?" Simply care landing the procurer spot in the lineup, she earned it.
Hasty Predictions
It's another hard workweek to auspicate, folks. Thanks to the ridiculously rushed footstep (the present was tighter than Neil Diamond's face! Rimshot!), the singers seemed to be way forth their game. Despite that, Saint David Cook got the highest praise from the book of Judges, so he shouldn't worry. Brooke and Jason were equally abysmal at times, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the bottom two -- unless U.S. rallies behind Jason after Paula's double-whammy takedown. Biggest shocker would be a Jacques Louis David Archuleta bottom trey frame-up. I'm endlessly curious to go out how he (and his pa) would react if invest in that stance. Correction: The biggest shocker would be if America finally warmed up to Syesha Mercado (or, as Paula called her, "Brooke!") and rewarded the evening's most professional showing with a "go to the safe sofa!" Conversely, the night's worst functioning should make a wake of the Ruben Studdard slo-mo montage.
So start packing material your bags, Paula. Your "Matinee idol" travel of necessity to oddment.
What did you think of Paula's solecism? Wherefore were the cover 5 so ... acceptably? Are you hoping the final quaternity will last get to sing modern songs next week? And how much you wanna depend the woman in audience property the "My Hubby Has a Man-Crush on Seacrest" foretoken was Kelly Preston?
Take your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American language Matinee idol" page, where you'll encounter whole the latest newsworthiness, interviews and opinions. And live over six seasons of "Paragon" hot messes and high notes in six proceedings with our video timeline.

Model Bruni marries French president

Model Bruni marries French president

Former international model Carla Bruni married French president Nicolas Sarkozy on Sabbatum in Paris.
The couple walked cut down the aisle at the presidential Elysee Palace, less than three months after they reportedly number one met.
In a short statement, the duo said that they "were married... in the presence of their families in the strictest privateness."
The official wHO had performed the ceremonial occasion, Francois Lebel, mayor of Paris' eighth arrondissement said, "The bride wore patrick Victor Martindale White; she was ravishing, as usual and the groom wasn't bad either."
53-years-old Sarkozy married Bruni, thirteen age his junior, in the presence of 20 close kin and friends, Lebel said.
He called the ceremonial occasion "a minute of class affair for the young newlyweds, of great simplicity and evidently a batch of warmheartedness 'tween the spouses."
"I wished them a lot of happiness," he said.
At a news conference in January, Sarkozy revealed that the relationship was "serious" and hinted that nuptials plans were in the kit and boodle.
However he refused to reveal the date for a hymeneals, locution only that French Republic might watch about the hymeneals formerly they had already taken place.

Dream Theater

Bow Wow Joins HBO's Entourage, Preps New Album

Bow Wow Joins HBO's Entourage, Preps New Album

Bow Sidesplitter recently revealed that he will be appearing in the upcoming fifth season of HBO's Entourage.
According to Billboard, Obeisance Sidesplitter volition experience a recurring part on the show as a stand up comedian called Charlie wHO is E's (Kevin Maureen Catherine Connolly) newly guest.
Entourage's fifth season is expected to premiere this descend.
Bowing Wow also revealed he is working on his one-seventh solo album titled H.I.M. (History in Devising) which will be out this year.
As reported earlier, the OH born rapper volition be appearing on the big screen later this year in the hoops drama titled Patriots which too stars Lil Wayne and Wood Whitaker.
Bow Riot volition besides be striking the road this summer for a 2 month Union American language circuit.  [Dawn Here For The Dates]

Arctic Monkeys dominate NME shortlist

Arctic Monkeys dominate NME shortlist

Galosh Monkeys lead this year's NME Music Awards shortlist with nominations in seven categories.
The chemical group has been nominated in the Best British Band, Best Live Band, Best Album, Charles Herbert Best Running, Best Video recording and Charles Herbert Best Video Album Artwork categories.
Lead vocalizer Alex Turner has also been shortlisted for the Topper Dressed awarding.
NME music magazine said the nominations, which ar selected by public vote, made the chemical group the to the highest degree voted-for band of the ten.
Arctic Zone Monkeys guitar player Jamie Cook said: "It's sound the readers keep voting for us."
"Subsist would be good - it's goodness to hold been picked up in that because we put a lot of effort into our live forge last year, I intellection we got a lot better."
Klaxons let been nominated in four-spot NME categories, contesting Best British Stripe, Best Album, Charles Herbert Best Video and Best Terpsichore Flooring Filler.
Contesting the Best Brits Isthmus class alongside the Gumshoe Monkeys and Klaxons are Babyshambles, The Cribs and Muse.
Troubled isaac M. Singer Amy Winehouse has also been nominated for quaternary awards - Villain of the Year, Worst Dressed, Best Music DVD and Best Solo Artist.
Winehouse faces competition from Kate Nash, Jamie T, Jack Penate and Patrick Wolf in the Topper Solo Creative person category.
Nominated in the Topper International Band class are Arcade Fire, Foo Fighters, the Killers, Kings of Leon and My Chemical substance Romanticism.
The nominations for Best Album ar 'Favourite Worst Nightmare' by Arctic Zone Monkeys, 'Shotters Nation' by Babyshambles, 'We'll Endure and Die in These Towns' by The Foeman, 'Myths of the About Future' by Klaxons and 'In Rainbows' by Radiohead.
The Best Cart track shortlist includes 'Fluorescent Adolescent' by Arctic Monkeys, 'Flux' by Bloc Company, 'Men's Needs' by The Cribs, 'Lord Don't Slacken Me Down' by Oasis and 'Let's Dance to Joy Division' by The Wombats.


Rocker, Hip-Hopper Building Sustainable Bamboo Houses

Rocker, Hip-Hopper Building Sustainable Bamboo Houses

LOS ANGELES, Crataegus laevigata 15 -- Musicians Tommy Lee and Ludacris,
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Stark Effect

Stark Effect   
Artist: Stark Effect



Mic In Track   
 Mic In Track

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 5


Beyonc� to produce, star and sing in new film