Friday 6 June 2008

John Doan

John Doan   
Artist: John Doan

New Age


Wrapped In White   
 Wrapped In White

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 21

Eire: Isle Of The Saints   
 Eire: Isle Of The Saints

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 8

Wayfarer  Ancient Paths To Sacred Places   
 Wayfarer Ancient Paths To Sacred Places

Tracks: 11

Guitarist John Doan is a original of the Renaissance lute, as well as classical and contemporaneous guitar styles. His signature instrument, however, is the 20-string harp/guitar, in the beginning popular at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe and America.

Doan began playing guitar at long time of 11 when he lived in Venice, California. Given the setting, his ducky music then was surf medicine. He subsequently became concerned in classical guitar and earned a degree in music performance from Cal State Northridge. After moving to Oregon, Doan earned his master's in musical education from Western Oregon State and served on the faculty there. He studied the rebirth and baroqueness luting in the Netherlands, and mastering this musical instrument fain him for acquisition the harp/guitar.

The instrument Doan plays has sise standard interlaced guitar strings, sestet unfretted bass voice string section, and ogdoad unfretted senior high string section with pure tones and long sustains. Given the popular revival of Celtic music, it's surprising that few other artists have taken up the expressive legal document.

Doan has played with many folk and area legends, including Burl Ives, Larry Carlton, and Chet Atkins. He created his own brand of folk-fusion on his number 1 record album on Narada, coroneted Departures (1988). He has asterisked in deuce PBS music specials in which he secondhand olde worlde instruments (A Christmas to Remember with John Doan and A Victorian Christmas with John Doan), and has released two albums with Hearts of Space: Wrapped in Christmas: Visions of Christmas Past and Eire: Isle of the Saints, A Celtic Odyssey. His Commemoration: Melodies from a Forgotten Era is on the Tapestry Productions label.

Doan lives in Oregon with his married woman; he is an assistant professor of music at Williamette University in Salem.